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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)


Journal of Sedimentary Research
Vol. 79 (2009), No. 2. (February), Pages 44-55
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Platform-Margin Trajectory as a Control on Syndepositional Fracture Patterns, Canning Basin, Western Australia

Edmund L. Frost III, Charles Kerans


Syndepositional fractures are an important feature of high-relief, Previous HitreefNext Hit-rimmed carbonate systems and exert a profound control on many facets of platform evolution including: the timing and frequency of platform-margin collapse events, generation of an early diagenetic fluid flow system, and subsequent karst and enhanced-permeability development. In the Devonian Previous HitReefTop Complexes of the Canning Basin, syndepositional fracturing increases significantly with progradation, with a twofold increase in fracture intensity observed between the most retrogradational and progradational carbonate platforms. This study demonstrates a statistically significant relationship between syndepositional fracture patterns and variations in stratigraphic architecture, approximated here by platform-margin trajectory. In the platform-margin, syndepositional fracturing varies systematically with platform-margin trajectory, regardless of proximity to regional tectonic elements, whereas in the platform interior, tectonically active settings consistently display syndepositional fracture intensities significantly higher than predicted by platform-margin trajectory alone. The results presented here suggest a first-order relationship between long-term changes in stratigraphic architecture and syndepositional fracture development in high-relief carbonate platforms and imply that whereas external regional tectonic drivers may enhance early fracturing, they are not required.

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