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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)


Journal of Sedimentary Research
Vol. 79 (2009), No. 6. (June), Pages 389-415
Research Articles: Carbonate Depositional Previous HitSystemsNext Hit

A Dominant Tectonic Signal in High-Frequency, Peritidal Carbonate Cycles? A Regional Analysis of Liassic Platforms from Western Tethys

Dan Bosence, Emily Procter, Marc Aurell, Atef Bel Kahla, Marcelle Boudagher-Fadel, Francesca Casaglia, Simonetta Cirilli, Mohammed Mehdie, Luis Nieto, Javier Rey, Rudolph Scherreiks, Mohamed Soussi, David Waltham


Meter-scale, peritidal carbonate cycles are a common feature of the geological record but debate continues about what processes lead to their formation. Three conceptual models, or a combination thereof, are commonly invoked to explain Previous HitcycleNext Hit formation; eustasy, tectonics, or autocyclicity. These three models are tested with a large new dataset from different Early Jurassic plate margins from western Tethys. Study of seven logged sections from Spain, Italy, Greece, Tunisia, Morocco, and Gibraltar enables an analysis of the possible roles of local versus regional patterns and controls on cyclicity within a Sinemurian time slice. Previous HitCycleNext Hit types are diverse and include shallowing-upward cycles (parasequences) but also deepening-upward and diagenetic cycles (high-frequency sequences) and subtidal cycles. Numbers of cycles per section and Previous HitcycleNext Hit stacking patterns within this time slice vary from section to section. Statistical tests (runs tests, time series, and bundling) all indicate random stacking of cycles within sections and an absence of any bundling of thicknesses or of facies trends. Assessment of Previous HitcycleNext Hit types by their occurrence and stacking patterns indicates little support for either eustasy or autocyclicity being the dominant Previous HitcycleNext Hit-forming mechanism. However, the variability in numbers of cycles per section, thickness variations of the sections, Previous HitcycleTop type variability, and randomness of stacking patterns all favor a pulsed, tectonic control for the creation and filling of accommodation space. This conclusion is further supported by evidence that has largely arisen during the course of this study of syndepositional extensional tectonics in the Sinemurian on these rifted Tethyan margins. Although tectonics appears to be the dominant control, superimposed eustasy and/or autocyclic processes cannot be discounted.

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