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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)


Journal of Sedimentary Research
Vol. 82 (2012), No. 6. (June), Pages 435-450
Research Article

Mass-Balance Effects in Previous HitDepositionalNext Hit Systems

Chris Paola, John M. Martin


Net deposition is necessarily accompanied by overall loss of sediment mass from the transport system; on long time scales the deposition compensates for subsidence and creates the stratigraphic record. Although its spatial pattern changes and it can be locally stopped or reversed, Previous HitdepositionalNext Hit mass loss is a fundamental driving influence on the morphology and behavior of Previous HitdepositionalTop systems. Mass extraction to deposition leads directly to facies changes as sediment flux declines; indirectly it usually leads to down-channel sediment fining as deposition preferentially removes coarser particles.

Laboratory experiments illustrate the effects of systematic mass extraction on fluvial channel stacking and deposit grain size, and show how a mass-balance framework allows consistent comparison of facies despite major shifts in depocenter location. Mass-balance analysis of experimental fluvial and turbidite systems, and a turbidite mini-basin from the Gulf of Mexico, show a change from channel-dominated to lobe-dominated deposits at about 80% total mass extraction. Experimental and field studies also show a close connection between rate of mass loss and rate of downstream grain-size fining, as predicted by a mechanistic theory based on mass balance.

These are first steps towards a framework for quantitative basin analysis based on mass extraction. A mass-balance framework allows for consistent, quantitative comparison across basins of varying scale and shape. Mass-balance frameworks can account for overall and/or generic mass-balance effects, and help separate them from local effects. One way to use such generalized models effectively is to view the results as reference cases of down-transport change resulting from the basic interplay of spatial mass-extraction pattern and sediment supply. Where such reference cases do not provide detailed predictions of specific field cases, they can still provide a baseline to separate local, case-specific features from generic system behavior. The approach is analogous to the way the geoid serves as a reference case against which to measure gravity anomalies.

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