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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)


Journal of Sedimentary Research
Vol. 83 (2013), No. 11. (November), Pages 954-961
Research Methods

Despiking Ultrasonic Doppler Previous HitVelocityNext Hit-Profiling Previous HitDataNext Hit

Jonathan D. Wright, Jaco H. Baas


A practical method for detecting and removing anomalous Previous HitvelocityNext Hit spikes in ultrasonic Doppler Previous HitvelocityNext Hit-profiling (UDVP) Previous HitdataNext Hit is presented. UDVP applies the pulsed ultrasonic Doppler effect to measure instantaneous flow velocities, using the rate of movement of suspended particles within the flow as a proxy. This technique has become popular in laboratory studies of sediment erosion, transport, and deposition, because of its ability to acquire high-resolution velocimetric Previous HitdataNext Hit at a wide range of suspended-sediment concentrations in, for example, hyperconcentrated river flows, transient turbulent mudflows, and turbidity currents. Previous HitVelocityNext Hit Previous HitdataNext Hit recorded by UDVP transducers that are not part of the genuine Previous HitvelocityNext Hit signal are collectively known as Previous HitvelocityNext Hit spikes. The new technique to detect Previous HitvelocityNext Hit spikes proposed here is based on a simple, combined acceleration and magnitude threshold method, with a piecewise Hermite cubic interpolation of four adjacent Previous HitvelocityNext Hit measurements used to remove the detected Previous HitvelocityNext Hit spikes. 110 datasets covering different combinations of Previous HitvelocityTop and suspended-sediment concentration were used to test the MatLab-coded despiking algorithm, and to make recommendations for best practice in future UDVP-based studies.

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