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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)


Journal of Sedimentary Research
Vol. 89 (2019), No. 7. (July), Pages 599-609
DOI: 10.2110/jsr.2019.35

A Methodology For Disaggregation and Textural Analysis of Quartz-cemented Sandstones

Sarah A. Maithel, Leonard R. Brand, John H. Whitmore


Sandstone textures provide critical information for reservoir modeling and interpreting depositional processes. While loose sand textures are easy to describe, various authors have developed thin-section and image-analysis techniques to characterize lithified deposits that were assumed impossible to disaggregate successfully. These methods are effective but tedious, and are generally not feasible for processing many samples. We present a new methodology for disaggregating quartz-dominated sandstones cemented by quartz overgrowths, with application to the Permian Coconino Sandstone of northern and central Arizona, USA. Textural parameters of the disaggregated sand were measured using a laser diffraction particle analyzer. Our average grain sizes from laser analysis are coarser than those from thin section (as expected), but trends from the analyzer correlate well with thin-section results. This strong correlation strengthens the validity of both methods and suggests that disaggregation and whole-particle analysis may effectively replace petrographic techniques in many textural studies. We hope that our methods, which increase the efficiency of grain-size analysis, will expand the Previous HitpotentialTop for collecting textural data from quartz-cemented sandstones.

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