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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)


Journal of Sedimentary Research
Vol. 89 (2019), No. 12. (December), Pages 1207-1230
DOI: 10.2110/jsr.2019.75

Borehole-image-Previous HitlogNext Hit characterization of deltaic deposits from a behind-outcrop Previous HitwellNext Hit: Opportunities and limitations

Philipp J. Wolpert, Michael C. Poppelreiter


Borehole imaging (BHI) is a fast and precise method for collecting subsurface data. Rock calibration may reduce uncertainties inherent in interpretations of BHI logs. However, only few data sets are published that link borehole image facies to core and outcrop facies of deltaic successions. The objective of this paper is to compare and contrast sedimentologic features as seen in BHI, core, and outcrop, using a structured and hierarchical workflow. The research will provide a global framework for the interpretation of borehole images in similar environments.

A shallow, behind outcrop, research Previous HitwellNext Hit (“Mondot-1”) drilled in NW Spain, penetrated a 185.50 m (TVD) thick section of the deltaic Sobrarbe Formation. A Formation MicroImager (FMI) borehole image Previous HitlogNext Hit and a comprehensive Previous HitwellNext Hit Previous HitlogNext Hit suite was acquired in the fully cored Previous HitwellNext Hit. The Eocene Sobrarbe Formation consists mostly of siliciclastic and some carbonate facies. Rapid vertical and lateral facies changes over a few tens of meters are observed in outcrops of the Sobrarbe Formation. The cored part of the formation is composed of argillaceous sandstone and carbonate with few diagnostic sedimentary features that can be used to constrain a conceptual depositional model. To provide a sedimentologically sound interpretation of this FMI Previous HitlogTop, we focused on layers showing diagnostic sedimentary features. Subsequently, facies associations and stratigraphic sequences were interpreted. Each facies association contained sedimentologic tie points that anchored the interpretation with diagnostic features such as slumps.

This paper suggests interpreting BHI false-color images of deltaic successions using conceptual geologic constraints such as 1) depositional tie points, 2) genetically related facies associations, and 3) a hierarchical stratigraphic framework, to establish meaningful conceptual depositional models.

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