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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)


Journal of Sedimentary Research
Vol. 90 (2020), No. 8. (August), Pages 855-886
DOI: 10.2110/jsr.2020.41

The Phycosiphon Ichnofacies and the Rosselia Ichnofacies: Two new ichnofacies for marine deltaic environments

James A. MacEachern, Kerrie L. Bann


Seilacherian Ichnofacies have been established, to date, for characterizing relatively stable depositional settings. Environments characterized by temporally and spatially varying physico-chemical stresses, however, have languished and been described ichnologically in the context of their “departures” from the archetypal expressions of otherwise ambient environments. Correspondingly, discrimination between shoreface and marine deltaic deposits have been addressed mainly by identifying variations in the individual trace-fossil suites without an over-arching ichnological model. Based on trace-fossil suites reported from globally distributed strata throughout the Phanerozoic, the case can now be made for erecting two new temporally and geographically recurring Seilacherian Ichnofacies for marine deltaic successions—the Phycosiphon Ichnofacies for muddy prodelta environments and the Rosselia Ichnofacies for sandy delta-front settings.

The Phycosiphon Ichnofacies is characterized by variable bioturbation intensities (BI 0–5), although many sandstone and mudstone beds may have very low bioturbation intensities (BI 0–1), pointing to their rapid, event-style deposition. Most biogenic structures record grazing or deposit-feeding behaviors, with subordinate horizontal dwellings that reflect deposit feeding and/or carnivory. Meiofaunal cryptic bioturbation is locally present in tempestites. Episodic deposition is accompanied by common escape structures and locally, sediment-swimming structures. The Phycosiphon Ichnofacies typically shows beds characterized by diverse, fully marine trace-fossil suites intercalated with discrete beds dominated by low-diversity, facies-crossing traces. Such bed-scale juxtaposition points to short-term but recurring alternations between stable marine conditions and physico-chemically stressed conditions.

The Rosselia Ichnofacies is also characterized by variable (BI 0–5; though typically BI 0–3) bioturbation intensities and sporadically distributed burrows. Most ichnogenera record deposit-feeding behaviors, many associated with vertically and horizontally oriented permanent dwelling structures. Dwelling structures commonly display re-equilibration and escape structures are typically abundant, both characteristic of elevated sedimentation rates and sporadic deposition. Most spreitenated structures are markedly retrusive, also attesting to elevated rates of sedimentation. Cryptic bioturbation is only locally abundant, particularly associated with erosionally amalgamated tempestites lacking mudstone drapes. While many of the trace fossils constitute facies-crossing elements, fully marine (ambient) ichnogenera also occur in some suites. Associated mudstone interbeds display low BI values, sediment-swimming structures, and top-down bioturbation, consistent with their rapid deposition as fluid mud.

The two ichnofacies may pass gradationally into one another vertically, associated with lobe progradation or autogenic lobe abandonment. Further, the two ichnofacies may pass along depositional strike into their non-deltaic counterparts—the Phycosiphon Ichnofacies grading into the Cruziana Ichnofacies in distal positions, and the Rosselia Ichnofacies passing into the Skolithos Ichnofacies in shallow-water locales.

The erection of these new ichnofacies will enhance the reliable identification of deltaic successions, particularly in Previous HitwaveTop-dominated settings, and their differentiation from classical strandplain shoreface deposits. As well, the two ichnofacies better explain animal–substrate relations in the context of the detailed sedimentological characteristics of delta deposits, refining the overall facies characterization of shallow-marine environments.

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