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Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)


Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM); Year: 2021; Issue: No. 3. (March)
DOI: 10.2110/jsr.2020.154

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Fig. 5. SEM images of dissolved calcite crystals for Series 1–4 representing different degrees of fluid undersaturation with respect to calcite. Each horizontal row presents representative SEM images for one Series at 5%, 10%, and 30% dissolution. A) Series 1 (5% dissolution): crystals characterized by smooth edges and corners (white arrows), inter-crystal gulfs (black triangles), and rare etch pits (black arrows). B) Series 1 (10% dissolution): similar to Part A, crystals characterized by smooth edges and corners (white arrows), inter-crystal gulfs (black triangles), and etch pits (black arrows). C) Series 1 (30% dissolution): crystals characterized by smooth edges and corners (white arrows), and pits (black arrows), but crystals have a rougher appearance than in Parts A and B, and some crystal faces now characterized by narrow, parallel ledges (white triangles). D) Series 2 (5% dissolution): crystals characterized by dissolution layers and ledges (white triangles) and etch pits (black arrows). Some crystals develop slightly curved edges and corners (white arrows), but they remain rhombic. E) Series 2 (10% dissolution): similar to Part D, crystals characterized by slightly smooth edges and corners (white arrows), etch pits (black arrows), and ledges (white triangles) on crystal edges. F) Series 2 (30% dissolution): crystals characterized by slightly smooth edges and corners (white arrows), and etch pits (black arrows), but some crystals have more developed ledges than in Parts E and F. The ledges are irregular but parallel to one another and to crystal surfaces. G) Series 3 (5% dissolution): crystals characterized by rhombic morphology with sharp edges and corners, distinct dissolution layers (white triangles), and etch pits (black arrows). The etch pits are either rectangular in shape and oriented parallel to crystal surfaces or irregular and randomly oriented. H) Series 3 (10% dissolution): similar to Part G, crystals with sharp edges and corners and some pits (black arrows) but crystals are characterized by distinct dissolution layers and ledges (white triangles). I) Series 3 (30% dissolution): similar to Parts G and H, crystals characterized by ledges and dissolution layers (white triangles), and pits (black arrows), but crystal edges and corners become smoother and more curved (white arrows) than in Parts G and H. J) Series 4 (5% dissolution): crystals characterized by rhombic morphology with sharp edges and corners and distinct dissolution layers (white triangles). K) Series 4 (10% dissolution): similar to Part J, crystals characterized by rhombic morphology with sharp edges and corners and distinct dissolution layers (white triangles), but crystals develop dissolution pits (black arrows). L) Series 4 (30% dissolution): similar to Parts J and K, crystals characterized by rhombic morphology with sharp edges and corners, dissolution layers (white triangles), and pits (black arrows).

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