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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)


Journal of Sedimentary Research
Vol. 91 (2021), No. 11. (November), Pages 1151-1165
DOI: 10.2110/jsr.2020.147

Ichnofabric Previous HitanalysisNext Hit as a tool for characterization and differentiation between calcareous contourites and calciturbidites

Olmo Miguez-Salas, Francisco J. RodrÍguez-Tovar


The Eocene–Miocene Cyprus paleoslope system records complex deep-marine sedimentation comprising background vertical settling of autochthonous pelagic–hemipelagic particles (chalks) which were punctuated by calcareous bottom currents (contourites) and gravity flows (calciturbidites). The Eocene Lefkara Formation at the Petra Tou Romiou beach section (Cyprus) shows the incidence of deep-marine bottom currents and distal turbiditic episodes in a context of pelagic–hemipelagic sedimentation. Trace-fossil Previous HitanalysisNext Hit of this section, using an ichnofabric approach (i.e., ichnodiversity, Bioturbation Index, Bedding Plane Horizontal Index and crosscutting relationships), was conducted to precisely describe the Previous HitpaleoenvironmentalNext Hit conditions of this complex setting. Ichnofabric Previous HitanalysisTop allow the characterization and differentiation of sporadic turbiditic events that disrupted both pelagic–hemipelagic and contourite deposition. Calciturbidite intervals show ichnofabrics consisting of postdepositional U-shaped traces (i.e., Arenicolites isp., ?Diplocraterion isp.,) and vertical borings typical of consolidated substrates. High-energy sandy contourite deposits are dominated by horizontal deposit-feeder traces and the development of ichnofabrics with Planolites isp., and Thalassinoides isp. The record of ichnofabrics with slightly deformed Planolites in the interbeds of sandy contourites or in the transition between the facies reveals variations in sedimentation in the bi-gradational contourite succession, and can potentially act as an indicator of depositional hiatus.

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