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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
Petrographic Comparison of Some Loess Samples from Western Europe with Kansas Loess
Ada Swineford, John C. Frye (1)
Fifteen samples of loess collected in 1952 in Italy, France, Germany, and Belgium were studied by mechanical and chemical analysis, X-ray diffraction, and light and electron microscopy. These data are compared and contrasted with similar data from 47 samples from Kansas and Nebraska. It is shown that in spite of the similarities of the loess of the two regions in field appearance, relationship, buried soil profiles, texture, and stratigraphy, the mineralogy of the European samples contrasts strongly with that of the Kansas samples. Abundant montmorillonite and volcanic ash shards in the Kansas samples are the most striking points of difference, but strong variations are also noted in other minerals of the coarse fraction as well as in other of the clay minerals.
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