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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
Clastic Casts of Halite Crystal Imprints from the Rome Formation (Cambrian) of Tennessee
H. K. Brooks
On the undersides of beds of fine-grained sandstone, casts of imprints of cubes which had been partially buried in the underlying argillaceous sediments and then dissolved before being filled and covered with sand were found in the Rome formation in Grainger County, Tennessee. Thin sections reveal that the sand filling the imprints is micro-crossbedded and of the same composition and texture as that of the covering beds. The halite crystals which left the imprints in the argillaceous sediments probably formed in small pools on mud flats. This evidence of evaporite deposition should not be taken as an indication of supersalinity of the Rome Sea, nor should it be taken as proof of an arid climate in the region. Casts of imprints of halite crystals can be used to determine the sequence o deposition of strata.
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