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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)


Journal of Sedimentary Petrology
Vol. 28 (1958)No. 1. (March), Pages 36-39

Size Distributions of Zircon Grains in Some Samples of the Lower Beaumont Clay

John J. W. Rogers, William F. Powell


Heavy minerals of a clayey portion of the lower Beaumont Formation at Houston, Texas, consist largely of well-rounded grains of resistant minerals, such as zircon, tourmaline, and rutile. The zircon grains are well sorted, and their size distribution exhibits no apparent Previous HitskewnessTop. The study indicates that the heavy minerals were derived from sedimentary rocks in the drainage areas of the Brazos and Trinity Rivers, and the types of heavy minerals in the clay and their size distributions are largely controlled by these source rocks.

The methods used in separating and measuring the heavy minerals are described in detail.

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