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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)


Journal of Sedimentary Petrology
Vol. 29 (1959)No. 2. (June), Pages 221-226

The Importance of Modes in Cross-Bedding Data

William F. Tanner


Cross-bedding data are presented from three sharply restricted channel sandstones, in Oklahoma and Tennessee; from a Pleistocene deposit in Florida; and from the Pottsville sandstones of parts of Kentucky, Tennessee, Georgia and Alabama. Modal vectors are shown to be more useful, in certain instances, for paleogeographic purposes, than vector sums. Pottsville cross-bedding data appear to be essentially tri-modal, with the three modes at right angles to each other. The "minimum direction" is approximately the direction toward the Appalachian sourceland. Asymmetry of the data indicate that littoral currents flowed more readily toward the south than toward the north. A measure of dispersion (n/R) for modal vectors is used to produce a crude map of Pottsville regional slope in nort eastern Alabama.

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