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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)


Journal of Sedimentary Petrology
Vol. 31 (1961)No. 3. (September), Pages 390-401

Micro-Previous HitCrossNext Hit-Lamination in Upper Keweenawan Sediments of Northern Michigan

Wm. Kenneth Hamblin


Micro-Previous HitcrossNext Hit-lamination is the dominant type of stratification in the fine-grained sandstone and siltstone units in the Keweenawan sediments of northern Michigan. Except for its small size it is identical to "trough" or "festoon" Previous HitcrossNext Hit-bedding and is therefore significantly different from ordinary ripple lamination. The average set of micro-Previous HitcrossNext Hit-lamination is 2.5 inches wide, 0.5 inch thick and 8 inches long. This structure is also extremely abundant in other fine-grained sediments although it is often partly obscured by weathering or diagenesis and may not appear as typical Previous HitcrossNext Hit-stratification. Its presence in apparently homogeneous sediments have been revealed by staining the iron or calcite cement. It is therefore quite likely that micro-Previous HitcrossNext Hit-lamination represents a fundamental m chanism often associated with the deposition of fine grained sediments.

Associated sedimentary structures clearly indicate that this micro-Previous HitcrossNext Hit-lamination originates in a shallow water environment repeatedly subjected to subaerial erosion. Observations of similar structures in modern streams and flood plains suggest that it develops from migrating cusp ripples.

Micro-Previous HitcrossTop-lamination constitutes an excellent criterion for paleocurrent direction. Its value is greatly enhanced by its abundance and small size since several complete sets can easily be collected in an oriented hand specimen, sawed in numerous sections and analyzed in the laboratory.

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