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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)


Journal of Sedimentary Petrology
Vol. 32 (1962)No. 1. (March), Pages 15-25

Comparison of Moment Measures for Sieving and Thin-Section Data in Sedimentary Petrological Studies

Gerald M. Friedman


It has been shown that a linear relationship exists for size analysis between the quartile measures of sieving and thin-section data (Friedman, 1958). This study has been extended to moment measures since they are the most suitable statistics for describing the textural characteristics of sedimentary rocks.

The present study shows that a linear relationship exists between the mean grain-size for sieving and thin-section analysis. The conversion equation developed previously for converting thin-section quartiles to calculated sieving equivalent quartiles can be applied to mean grain-size. The use of this equation results in a 1:1 relationship for mean grain-size between sieving and thin-section data. Figure 1 of this paper should be employed to obtain sieve-size mean from thin-section mean. For mean deviation and standard deviation, a linear relationship holds between sieving and thin-section analyses. For higher moments (Previous HitskewnessNext Hit and kurtosis) the correlation between sieving and thin-section data is not very significant.

The correlation coefficient r for relating the moment measures of the two types of analysis decreases progressively from mean to mean deviation, standard deviation, Previous HitskewnessNext Hit, and kurtosis. The conversion equation which is valid for the size parameters is not applicable to mean deviation and standard deviation. For Previous HitskewnessTop and kurtosis observed and converted thin-section data are exactly the same to three significant digits.

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