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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)


Journal of Sedimentary Petrology
Vol. 33 (1963)No. 2. (June), Pages 314-319

Notes on Palynological Studies of Varved Sediments

J. Terasmae


The writer suggests that the term varved should be restricted to laminated and graded sediments (both inorganic and organic) of annual, or seasonal (composed of a winter and a summer layer) origin where such nature can be established. He has shown by palynological methods the annual origin of varved clays in the Glacial Lake Barlow-Ojibway basin in northern Ontario, where a total of 2027 varves has been counted by Antevs (1925) and Hughes (1956). In this case the varve counts can be used as a time scale for certain events. Laminated sediments of other than annual origin and those resembling varves only in appearance should be clearly distinguished from the true varved sediments.

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