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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)


Journal of Sedimentary Petrology
Vol. 34 (1964)No. 4. (December), Pages 848-850

A Method for Permanent Mounting of Powder Samples For X-ray Diffraction Analyses

William E. Miller, Walter E. Hill, Jr.


Standard powered metallurgical and mineralogical samples were mounted in epoxy-resin cement on a glass slide, oven cured, and the surface then ground flat on "wet-or-dry" abrasive paper to obtain permanent reference standards for X-ray diffraction studies. The results confirm that this method of mounting may be convenient for handling of loose powders, minimizing preferred orientation in samples of most minerals, and eliminating sample contamination and mis-labeling or mixing of samples.

X-ray diffractograms of epoxy cement show it to be amorphous with no sharp diagnostic peaks. With copper radiation the epoxy exhibits only a broad low-angle scattering peak between 12.5° and 25° 2^thgr. This peak is depressed by dilution of the epoxy with sample powders. Significant peaks of the sample in the area covered by the low angle scatting peak of epoxy are not masked by it. Most inorganic samples prepared with epoxy cement yielded excellent diffraction patterns.

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