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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
Erosional Current Marks of Weakly Cohesive Mud Beds
J. R. L. Allen
The manner in which a bed of weakly cohesive mud is eroded by a plain, turbulent flow of water is found experimentally to depend on the severity of the flow over the bed. The major structures left behind on a weakly cohesive mud bed after a prolonged period of erosion also depend on the severity of flow. With as ascending severity, we obtain: (1) longitudinal rectilinear grooves, (2) longitudinal meandering grooves, (3) flute marks, and (4) transverse erosional markings. The more severe flows also give rise to shear wrinkles and to erosional structures of a less well defined nature. Of the four structures enumerated, all but longitudinal rectilinear grooves have counterparts in the fossil record. Of particular importance is evidence confirming that flute marks are associated with sepa ated flows and are due to processes of flow separation and reattachment.
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