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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
The Particle Size Scale: NOTES
William F. Tanner
The S.E.P.M. Grain Size Study Committee has produced several reports, of which this is the third. The phi-scale has the following specific advantages:
- Evenly-spaced division points, facilitating plotting.
- Geometric basis, allowing equally close inspection of all parts of the size spectrum.
- Simplicity of subdivision of classes to any precision desired, with no awkward numbers.
- Wide range of sizes, extending automatically to any extreme.
- Widespread acceptance.
- Coincidence of major dividing points with natural class boundaries (approximately).
- Ease of use in probability analysis.
- Ease of use in computing statistical parameters.
- Amenability to more advanced analytical methods.
- Fairly close approximation to most other scales, allowing easy adoption.
- Phi-size screens are already available commercially.
No other scale is even close to matching this list; most other scales do not have more than three or four of these advantages.
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