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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)


Journal of Sedimentary Petrology
Vol. 39 (1969)No. 2. (June), Pages 809-812

The Particle Size Scale: NOTES

William F. Tanner


The S.E.P.M. Grain Size Study Committee has produced several reports, of which this is the third. The phi-scale has the following specific advantages:

  1. Evenly-spaced division points, facilitating plotting.
  2. Geometric basis, allowing equally close inspection of all parts of the size spectrum.
  3. Simplicity of subdivision of classes to any precision desired, with no awkward numbers.
  4. Wide range of sizes, extending automatically to any extreme.
  5. Widespread acceptance.
  6. Coincidence of major dividing points with natural class boundaries (approximately).
  7. Ease of use in probability analysis.
  8. Ease of use in computing statistical parameters.
  9. Amenability to more advanced analytical methods.
  10. Fairly close approximation to most other scales, allowing easy adoption.
  11. Phi-size screens are already available commercially.

No other scale is even close to matching this list; most other scales do not have more than three or four of these advantages.

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