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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)


Journal of Sedimentary Petrology
Vol. 39 (1969)No. 4. (December), Pages 1432-1437

Destruction of Plagioclase Twins by Stream Transport

Edward D. Pittman


In untransported material from granitic rocks A-twin/C-twin and Untwinned/Twinned ratios vary inversely with grain size. These characteristics persist in transported detritus. Plagioclase twins tend to be destroyed during stream transport as shown by an increase in A-twin/C-twin and Untwinned/Twinned ratios. This is probably the result of breakage along composition and twin planes, and breakage of untwinned plagioclase into smaller grains. Because of these effects coarser grained plagioclase is preferred for provenance studies.

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