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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
The Origin and Evolution of Brine in Coastal Sabkhas, Northern Sinai
Yitzhak Levy (2)
In the Bardawil coastal plain, northern Sinai, the restricted lagoon environment and the arid climate lead to the formation of coastal sabkhas. In these sabkhas two kinds of brines were found, normal marine brines resulting from mere evaporation of sea waters and calcium chloride brines which result from the interaction of normal marine brines with preexisting calcium carbonate minerals thus leading to the formation of diagenetic dolomite.
Although the evaporation of groundwaters from the same area would also lead to the formation of calcium chloride brines, the marine origin of the calcium chloride brines is established on the basis of geochemical calculations, distribution of marine sediments and regional hydrologic and hydrographic considerations.
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