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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)


Journal of Sedimentary Petrology
Vol. 47 (1977)No. 2. (June), Pages 565-581

Diagenesis of Pre-Quaternary Carbonates as Indicated by Tracer Studies

Jan Veizer


Tracer (Sr and ^dgr18O) studies on 170 carbonate rocks indicate that diagenetic transformation of the metastable into a stable carbonate assemblage involves a partially closed wet chemical system. If the assumptions about present-day counterparts of Mesozoic facies are correct, the following tracer redistribution is indicated: (1) calcite is relatively stable and the decrease in Sr is ^lsim 5 ^times and the ^dgr18O negative shift is ^sim0-2.5^pmil; (2) aragonite and Mg-calcites ar reprecipitated with varying efficiency as autochthonous calcite, which results in ^sim 10 ^times Sr decrease and ^dgr18O negative shift of ^sim 1-5^pmil. Strontium content of dolomites decreases with geologic age, because of reduction in available lattice positions due to the Fe substitution.

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