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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)


Journal of Sedimentary Petrology
Vol. 47 (1977)No. 4. (December), Pages 1437-1443

Longshore Variation in Beach Sands Nautla Area, Veracruz, Mexico

Robert P. Self (2)


Longshore variations in grain size, sorting, and Previous HitskewnessNext Hit in foreshore beach sands of the Nautla area, Veracruz, Mexico suggest sorting and dispersion by seasonally reversing longshore current.

Net sediment transport is from south to north, especially in the summer when winds are from the east-southeast. During the winter, northeasterly winds strike the coast causing a southward flowing longshore current and sediment transport. Sediments can be transported as far as 60 km south of the source due to these reversals as indicated by a study of fluvially derived carbonate lithoclasts.

Previous HitSkewnessNext Hit can be used to indicate the amount of fluvial influence. Positive Previous HitskewnessTop is found near river mouths where fluvial influence is greatest, and it becomes less positive or negative as winnowing by waves and longshore currents occur.

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