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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)


Journal of Sedimentary Petrology
Vol. 48 (1978)No. 4. (December), Pages 1167-1176

Cementation of a Pennsylvanian Deltaic Previous HitSandstoneNext Hit: Isotopic Data

L. S. Land, S. P. Dutton


The sequence of authigenic minerals in a Pennsylvanian deltaic Previous HitsandstoneNext Hit from the Strawn Series, north-central Texas, is: a) growth of chlorite rims around quartz grains, b) cementation by an average of 11% syntaxial quartz overgrowths, c) cementation by calcite, d) dissolution of calcite cement, feldspar grains and rock fragments, and finally e) cementation by Fe-calcite, ankerite and kaolinite. Isotopic analyses of the authigenic phases and formation water lead to the following conclusions. Chlorite formed during shallow burial soon after deposition when amorphous aluminosilicates and iron oxides-hydroxides reacted with pore waters to form the iron-rich, lb polytype. Quartz overgrowths have a ^dgrO18 of approximately +24 IMG SRC="../../../misc/other/pmil.JPG" ALT="^pmil"> and formed under conditions of near maximum burial (2.1 km) as compaction of adjacent shales and simultaneous degradation of smectite released silica-bearing solutions which escaped through the porous Previous HitsandstoneTop aquifers. Calcite cement formed when the rate of burial slowed sharply in the middle Mesozoic and simultaneously ended the smectite reaction and the fluid migration required for quartz cementation. The CaCO3 was probably derived from slow stylolitization of underlying carbonates. Dissolution may have been caused by the late maturation and migration of hydrocarbons at the relatively cool burial temperatures of these rocks. Today the off field is being cemented at a depth of approximately 1.4 km by Fe-calcite and ankerit , and the H+ thus released is forming kaolinite at the expense of detrital feldspar. The formation fluid today appears to be in near ionic equilibrium with kaolinite, albite, K-spar, calcite, and ankerite, and in near isotopic equilibrium with kaolinite, calcite, and ankerite.

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