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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)


Journal of Sedimentary Petrology
Vol. 52 (1982)No. 1. (March), Pages 41-46

pH and Eh Changes in Sea-Marginal Algal Pools of the Red Sea: And Their Effect on Carbonate Precipitation

Gerald M. Friedman, H. A. Foner


According to Oppenheimer and Master (1965) the biological activity of microorganisms in algal mats produces pH changes in sea water which parallel the photosynthetic cycle. A diurnal pH fluctuation from 7.4 to 9.2 resulted in the dissolution of quartz and precipitation of carbonate. In our study of two algal pools of the Red Sea we failed to observe comparable diurnal pH fluctuations. Likewise, in laboratory. Previous HitexperimentsNext Hit diurnal pH changes were not observable. However, changes in redox potential correlated with exposure to or absence of sunlight. Sunlight causes increasing Eh and darkness decreasing Eh, probably as a result of oxygen production during photosynthesis. CO2 generation which in Oppenheimer and Master's experiment caused a pH shift is probably offset by H2S production in the pools which we studied. Lacking pH fluctuations, we could not duplicate the Previous HitexperimentsTop of Oppenheimer and Master (1965) in dissolving quartz and precipitating carbonate. This study implies that among thick algal mats in a comparable hypersaline setting precipitation of stromatolites does not result from pH changes due to photosynthesis.

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