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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)


Journal of Sedimentary Petrology
Vol. 53 (1983)No. 2. (June), Pages 493-507

Petrology and Dispersal Pattern in the Marnoso-Arenacea Formation (Miocene, Northern Apennines)

Giorgio Gandolfi, Luigi Paganelli, Gian Gaspare Zuffa


Paleocurrent, gross composition, rock-fragment data, and heavy mineral data from the Miocene Marnoso-arenacea Formation of the Northern Apennines suggest six source areas. Five are primarily extrabasinal (Alpine I and II; Apenninic I, II, and III) and one is intrabasinal.

The identification of characteristic multicycle materials reinforces the idea that migration of foredeeps within a plate-tectonic framework occurred in the Apennines.

Integration of petrofacies, paleocurrent, and sedimentary-facies-analysis data in the study of the Marnosoarenacea depositional system has proved a very powerful method for understanding the complexity of a deep-sea fan system.

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