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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)


Journal of Sedimentary Petrology
Vol. 55 (1985)No. 4. (July), Pages 471-478

On Using The Log-hyperbolic Distribution To Describe The Textural Characteristics Of Eolian Sediments

K.-H. Wyrwoll (2), G. K. Smyth


Following the early work of Bagnold (1941) it has recently been suggested that the log-hyperbolic distribution offers a better description of grain-size distribution than the log-normal distribution. This paper undertakes a comparison of the suitability of the log-hyperbolic and log-normal distributions in describing the textural characteristics of desert-dune sediments. A statistical analysis of the results shows that no apparent gain is obtained when using the parameters of the log-hyperbolic distribution to describe such sediments.

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