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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)


Journal of Sedimentary Petrology
Vol. 60 (1990)No. 5. (September), Pages 721-734

Evolution of Gypsum Karst in the Kirschberg Evaporite Member Near Fredericksburg, Texas

John K. Warren (2), Karen G. Havholm (3), Michael R. Rosen (4), Matthew J. Parsley (5)


At the Fredericksburg Gypsum Quarry in Gillespie County near Fredericksburg, Texas the quarry operations expose modern karst features in a 10-m (30 ft) thick gypsum Previous HitbedNext Hit that is part of the Cretaceous Kirschberg Evaporite Member. The following sequence of events is documented:

1) Formation of nodular "daisy-head" gypsum. Replacement by gypsum was at first slow but pervasive, with phreatic fluids oozing through the calcium sulfate Previous HitbedNext Hit. The main permeability pathways were provided by fractures and the intercrystalline porosity in dolomite films surrounding the calcium sulfate nodules and along thin dolomite beds. Large aligned gypsum crystals nucleated off these flow paths and grew by replacement of the earlier calcium sulfate phase. A change to more active hydrologic conditions modified the rate of secondary gypsum growth, so that the remaining gypsum grew rapidly as a microcrystalline alabastrine form. This adjustment in gypsum type was due to the relative uplift of the Previous HitbedNext Hit into more active phreatic conditions closer to the water table. There the Previous HitbedNext Hit was subjected to more pronounced temperature changes and increased groundwater flow.

2) Karst Structures and Speleothems. The gypsum Previous HitbedNext Hit was introduced into the vadose zone and the process of karstification of the Previous HitbedNext Hit began. Dissolution took place forming vertical pipes or caves in the Fredericksburg gypsum Previous HitbedNext Hit. Gypsum and calcite speleothems, mainly in the form of popcorn and flowstone, were deposited in the pipes and caves. Extreme dissolution of the gypsum Previous HitbedNext Hit produced zones of collapse breccia. This collapse occurred gradually. Locally, the overlying beds were disrupted and folded; regionally, the overlying beds were minimally disrupted by widespread lowering due to complete dissolution and gentle collapse folding. Coarse, botryoidal calcite grew in void spaces in the breccia as it was collapsing.

The effects of the vadose regime on the Fredericksburg gypsum Previous HitbedNext Hit suggest that the end result of such an unroofed evaporite Previous HitbedTop, even if it is never subaerially exposed, is a stratiform layer that has associated with it a breccia consisting of calcite popcorn, boxwork and botryoidal calcite, mixed with fragments of the overlying strata. Little if any evidence of the gypsum remains in the breccia. Textures and structures described herein are used to interpret similar features in other ancient evaporite beds.

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