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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)


Journal of Sedimentary Petrology
Vol. 61 (1991)No. 4. (July), Pages 575-582

Wake-Capture Effects Observed in a Comparison of Methods to Measure Particle Settling Velocity Beyond Stokes' Range

C. J. Lovell (2), C. W. Rose


A comparison is presented of three methods currently used to measure particle settling velocity beyond Stokes' range. Contrasting natural sediments are analyzed in a settling tube and in a modified bottom withdrawal tube, and Previous HitvelocitiesNext Hit which are estimated to represent single-particle behavior are calculated empirically from separate measures of particle size, and density and shape.

Previous HitVelocitiesNext Hit calculated empirically for aggregated sediments are lower than measured by either sedimentation method, due primarily to aggregate breakdown that occurs during measurement of size by a wet-sieve method. For all sediment types, multi-particle Previous HitvelocitiesNext Hit measured in a settling tube are very close to calculated single-particle Previous HitvelocitiesNext Hit, but multi-particle Previous HitvelocitiesNext Hit measured in a modified bottom withdrawal tube are higher. The increased Previous HitvelocitiesNext Hit measured during this "progressive" or "batch" settling are attributed primarily to "hydrodynamic wake capture" that occurs at Reynolds' numbers > 0.1 when particles of different sizes and Previous HitvelocitiesTop settle together in a polydisperse suspension.

For particles that settle in a polydisperse suspension, temperature correction based on single-particle behavior appears to be inadequate.

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