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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
Meteoric-burial Diagenesis of Middle Pennsylvanian Limestones in the Orogrande Basin, New Mexico: Water/Rock Interactions and Basin Geothermics
Thomas J. Algeo, (2) Bruce H. Wilkinson, Kyger C. Lohmann
Stable isotopic compositions of cyclic Middle Pennsylvanian Gobbler Formation limestones record two stages of alteration. Early open-system meteoric diagenesis during episodic subaerial exposure stabilized cycle-top carbonate in the presence of meteoric fluid at high water/rock ratios (400-4000). Subsequent closed-system burial diagenesis stabilized meteoric and residual marine carbonate in the presence of connate pore fluids at elevated temperatures (to 150°C) and low water/rock ratios (1.0-10). Present 18O distributions record normal to high geothermal gradients (27-86°C/km) during burial stabilization. High basin-center geothermal gradients probably resulted from elevated heat flow due to rapid crustal extens
on and subsidence of the Orogrande Basin during the Late Pennsylvanian. A dike-injection lithospheric extension model with 40% "oceanization" best accounts for subsidence and geothermal patterns of the Orogrande Basin.
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