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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)


Journal of Sedimentary Research, Section B: Stratigraphy and Global Studies
Vol. 65B (1995)No. 3. (August), Pages 338-347

Sedimentary Facies in an Incised Valley in the Pennsylvanian of Beaver County, Oklahoma

John A. Breyer


The fill of an incised valley in the subsurface beneath Beaver County, Oklahoma, preserves the sedimentary response to a major Previous HitcycleNext Hit of change in relative Previous HitseaNext Hit Previous HitlevelNext Hit that took place in the Anadarko basin at the end of the Mississippian and the beginning of the Pennsylvanian (Morrowan). The valley-fill sequence includes heterolithic clastic sediments of the lowstand Previous HitsystemsNext Hit tract (LST) and estuarine and marine sediments of the transgressive system tract (TST). Deltaic sediments within the TST record a minor Previous HitcycleNext Hit of base-Previous HitlevelNext Hit change and a small drop in relative Previous HitseaNext Hit Previous HitlevelNext Hit within the major Previous HitcycleNext Hit of Previous HitseaNext Hit-Previous HitlevelNext Hit change that marks the Mississippian-Pennsylvanian boundary in the Anadarko basin.

Conglomerates above the heterolithic facies of the LST formed as a transgressive lag on the ravinement surface at the base of the TST. Siliciclastic tidal sediments overlie the conglomerates and in turn are overlain by crinoidal limestones that record relative deepening of the water and establishment of open marine conditions within the estuary. Above the limestones are deltaic deposits indicating a minor drop in relative Previous HitseaNext Hit Previous HitlevelNext Hit during which fluvial conditions were established within the estuary. The sediments of the LST and the initial stages of the TST are confined to the axis of the paleovalley and do not extend high onto its walls. The LST does not extend upstream into the higher reaches of the paleovalley. In most places, shales deposited as shelf muds overlie the unconformity between the Mississippian and Pennsylvanian. The shales represent the later stages of the TST when Previous HitseaNext Hit-Previous HitlevelTop rise resumed following the episode of deltaic sedimentation, and marine waters flooded and drowned the pre-existing topography.

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