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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)


Journal of Sedimentary Research, Section B: Stratigraphy and Global Studies
Vol. 69 (1999), No. 4. (July), Pages 962-964

Previous HitDigitalNext Hit Scanning of Thin Sections and Peels

Thomas L. De Keyser


Previous HitDigitalNext Hit film scanners allow direct capture of high-resolution Previous HitdigitalNext Hit images of entire petrographic thin sections or acetate peels, a capability not available using standard petrographic microscopes. Using a small-format, 35 mm film scanner as an example, this article describes a means of directly scanning, at high resolution, standard petrographic thin sections, larger (2 ^times 3 in.; 5.08 ^times 7.62 cm) thin sections, and portions of acetate peels and saving them as Previous HitdigitalNext Hit images. Such images fall into the range of macrophotography and bridge the gap between standard photography and photomicrography. Because no film is used and the light passes through no distorting lenses, the images obtained are of exceptional quality and can be processed and printed immediately. By sandwiching the thin section between sheet polarizing filters, scanned images through cross-polarized light can be obtained, simulating crossed nicols. The images of acetate peels far exceed the quality of equivalent photographs. Other film scanners and scanning film backs are available in large format and can be mounted directly on microscopes for Previous HitdigitalNext Hit imaging at higher magnification and can eliminate the need for conventional film in petrographic studies.

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