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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)


Journal of Sedimentary Research
Vol. 74 (2004), No. 2. (March), Pages 176-183

Eolian Suspension Above the Saltation Layer, the Concentration Profile

J.A. Gillies, L. Berkofsky


The acquisition of a new set of data on dust emission obtained at Owens Lake, California, was used to assess the performance of a previously published theoretical model that describes the normalized concentration profile of material in suspension above an actively emitting surface as a logarithmic function. The normalized concentration profile has more commonly been modeled as a power Previous HitlawNext Hit. Least-squares regression was used to fit both the logarithmic and the power-Previous HitlawNext Hit model to approximately 20 hours of data on 10-minute average concentration profiles. Results for all these data combined and for each individual profile indicated that the logarithmic model better explains the concentration gradient profile than the power-Previous HitlawNext Hit model. The predicted behavior of the model parameters, including a concentration scaling parameter phi.gif (848 bytes)* and a transfer coefficient for suspended particles alpha.gif (53 bytes), was examined. It was observed that phi.gif (848 bytes)* divided by a defined reference concentration was relatively invariant during emission events as predicted by the model and had a value of 0.18 (± 0.02). For the reference heights at which particle concentration and wind speed were measured (1.7 and 9 m) the transfer coefficient for suspended particles was approximately 0.22 (± 0.05) of the calculated momentum transfer coefficient defined here as the wind speed at the reference height divided by the friction velocity.

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