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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Saskatchewan Geological Society


Saskatchewan Geological Society Special Publication Number 10: MODERN EXPLORATION TECHNIQUES, Proceedings of a Symposium Held in Regina, Saskatchewan 20 - 21 November, 1989. Editors: L.S. Beck and C.T. Harper, 1990
Uranium Exploration, Pages 73-73.


Geological Survey of Canada
601 Booth Street
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0E8


Aeromagnetic vertical gradiometer surveys have been completed over different areas in Sas­katchewan, in various geological and structural environments. In all cases, the surveys have contributed to a better understanding of some aspect of the geology or structure. This arises because the data portrayed on the maps are a consistent, continuous, and objective portrayal of the distribution of the Previous HitmagneticNext Hit minerals in the underlying rocks. Therefore, the data has a direct correlation to some aspect of the geology. The Previous HitmagneticNext Hit method also penetrates overbur­den, water and swamps and is usually not affected by them. The interpretation of the mag­netic maps therefore requires an understanding of the relationship between the Previous HitmagneticTop com­ponents of the rocks and the geologic environments and structures.

In northern Saskatchewan vertical gradiometer surveys have been extremely useful in delineat­ing structures within the Athabasca Group and in outlining the geology of the underlying base­ment and structures within the basement. Areas in Saskatchewan, adjacent to the Canadian Shield and covered by a blanket of Paleozoic rocks, are also areas which have already benefited from the use of vertical gradiometer surveys. These surveys permit the extrapolation, at a reasonable cost, of Shield geology, into the basement areas which are buried. Surveys in the Shield itself also contribute to an understanding of the geology and structures, again be­cause the data is detailed and continuous. Digital processing of the data can allow them to be displayed in a variety of derived maps, such as shaded relief, band-pass filtering, etc. Each map can contribute to a better understanding of the size, shape and inclination of various geological features and structures. The utility of vertical gradiometer data will be illustrated by several examples in Saskatchewan.


Copyright © 2010 Saskatchewan Geological Society.