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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Bulletin of South Texas Geological Society
Early Cretaceous Carbonate Ramp, Sierra De La Paila, Coahuila, Mexićo
Two thousand feet of lower Cretaceous carbonates, exposed in Sierra de la Paila, southern Coahuila, are divisible into three interbedded lithofacies, all rich in carbonate mud: Lithofacies I (= Cuchillo Formation, dolomite); Lithofacies II (= “Aurora” Formation, fossiliferous wackestone and packstone); and Lithofacies III (= Cuesta del Cura Formation, lime mudstone). The sediments are all subtidal and were deposited on a gently-sloping carbonate ramp as the Mexican Sea transgressed from the southeast onto the paleogeographic Coahuila Peninsula. Lithofacies III was deposited below wave base under deep slope or basinal conditions; Lithofacies II in normal marine, shallow water, generally above wave base; and Lithofacies I still higher on the ramp in waters restricted by a series of disconnected low rudist biostromes. The shoals and organic buildups broke up already gentle waves and effected the complex intertonguing between Lithofacies I and II. There was no appreciable break in depositional slope.
There is no hydrocarbon potential in Sierra de la Paila because of post - depositional cementation. Beds similar to Lithofacies I and II could be excellent reservoirs elsewhere under favorable conditions.
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