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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Bulletin of South Texas Geological Society


South Texas Geological Society Bulletin
Vol. 30 (1990), No. 6. (February), Pages 29-39

Seismic Fracture Identification and Horizontal Drilling: Keys to Optimizing Productivity in a Fractured Reservoir, Giddings Field, Texas

Nanette Kuich


Anomalies on conventional seismic and seismic attributes data have been successfully used to identify fracture swarms in the Austin Chalk. Seismic and geologic data demonstrate fracture swarms separated 100 to 300 ft. by impermeable section trending in a NE-SW direction, on strike with the regional Mexia-Talco and Balcones fault systems. Wells drilled to intersect these fracture swarms are proven superior producers.

Horizontal drilling allows multiple fracture zones which are not in communication to be developed by a single well. Horizontal wellbores have been sidetracked from two depleted Giddings field wells, encountering undrained fractures in both recompletions, some as close as 150 ft. from the original vertical hole.

Horizontal drilling, directed by seismic data, is recovering hydrocarbons in fractured reservoirs bypassed via standard drilling and completion practices.

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