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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
South Texas Geological Society Special Publications
Geologic Expressions of the Devils River Uplift, Kinney and Val Verde Counties, Texas
The Devils River uplift is a northwest-trending, fault-bounded basement uplift of late Paleozoic age some 60 miles (96 km) long and 18 miles (29 km) wide. Bounding faults display throws of 1,000 to 15,000 feet (305 to 4,570 m) at the Ellenburger Dolomite level. Lower to middle Paleozoic foreland facies rocks, weakly metamorphosed on much of the uplift and overthrust by allochthonous Ouachita interior zone metamorphic rocks along the southwest side, are unconformably overlain by relatively undisturbed Lower Cretaceous strata. Exposed Cretaceous carbonate rocks dip regionally southwest at 1 to 3 degrees, but significant zones of structural discontinuity in the form of fault and fracture zones, elongate folds, and a monocline mark the boundaries of the Devils River uplift and delineate some internal faults. Aeromagnetic basement and subsurface structure mapping also delineate the feature and yield clues to its history. Compression from the southwest and subsequent relaxation during the Laramide orogeny produced the surface structural features that outline the Devils River uplift.
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