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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)


Proceedings of the South East Asia Petroleum Expolration Society Volume IV, 1978
Pages 72-80

The Wave Equation Applied to Migration

D. Loewenthal, L. Lu, R. Roberson, J. Sherwood


Claerbout’s method has been implemented for the migration of stacked seismic data. A simplified description of the method is given together with an account of some of the Previous HitpracticalTop programming problems and the types of inaccuracy encountered. Routine production results are considered to be comparable or superior to the results derived from alternative migration techniques. Particular advantages are 1) the possibility of using a detailed velocity model for the migration and 2) the preservation of the amplitude and character of the seismic events on the migrated time section.

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