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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)
Chemistry of Oilfield Waters in South East Asia and Their Application to Petroleum Exploration
A statistical study or subsurface geochemical water analyses was undertaken on samples from over 400 wells in South East Asia. The waters were classified according to their ionic components based on methods published by Palmer, Sulin, Chebotarev, Schoeller and Bojarski. Screening procedures were used to differentiate between contaminated waters (such as mud nitrate) and formation water. Most waters in South East Asia are fresh to brackish in terms of salinity compared to present day seawater and generally range from meteoric bicarbonate to connate chloride-calcium waters. Similar studies from other parts of the world do not exhibit such a significant fresh water component. The predominance of fresh waters in the basins of the South East Asia region may be related to original depositional environment and the relatively young age of the sediments which are typically undergoing compaction and dewatering processes.
The relationship between measured formation water resistivity and salinity was investigated. It was found that due to the diversity of ionic components in South East Asian waters, other salts besides Sodium Chloride have a critical effect on resistivity.
Utilization of conventional inorganic, as well as organic, water analyses to aid hydrocarbon exploration is proposed as a valid exploration tool.
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