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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)


Proceedings of the South East Asia Petroleum Exploration Society Volume VIII, 1988
Pages 28-36

Optimum Deconvolution for Seismic Inversion Purposes

M. Suprajitno, L. Nutt, P. Busono


Successful seismic inversion methods rely on a precise estimate of the reflection coefficient series. Spiking deconvolution is traditionally used on seismic data to achieve an approximation of the reflection series. However this step usually finds difficulties when the wavelet contained in seismic data is not Previous HitminimumNext Hit Previous HitdelayNext Hit. To overcome the problem, a specific technique has been developed using a combined approach of Homomorphic and Optimum-lag deconvolution filtering.

The Homomorphic method is used for wavelet extraction prior to the spiking deconvolution process which is done by Optimum-lag deconvolution filtering. This spiking process produces reflectivity series from which the acoustic impedance computation starts.

The technique has been proved to be flexible in that the Previous HitminimumNext Hit, mixed, maximum or zero Previous HitdelayTop wavelets can be treated successfully with equal ease. Synthetic examples are used to demonstrate the effectiveness of the technique.

The application of the technique to real seismic data has also given good results and proved the effectiveness of the method.

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