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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)


Proceedings of the South East Asia Petroleum Exploration Society Volume XI, 1994
Pages 80-90

Determination of Potential Yield and Volatile Hydrocarbons from Well Logs in Potential Source Previous HitRocksNext Hit

J. L. Lin, H. A. Salisch


This paper discusses the log responses to Potential Yield [S1+S2] and Volatile Hydrocarbons [S1] in the Upper and Middle Velkerri Formation in an area of the McArthur Basin, Northern Territory, Australia. Sonic and Formation Density log responses were used to estimate these parameters separately. A quadratic model, developed during the study, was applied for this determination. Results were more accurate than those obtained from linear models. The Upper and Middle Velkerri Formation was classified for the purpose of this study into three categories based on geochemical properties of organic matter: Source Previous HitrocksNext Hit with mature organic matter, source Previous HitrocksNext Hit with immature organic matter and non-source Previous HitrocksTop. Models were developed for the three categories to determine [S1+S2] and [S1] from well logs.

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