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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)


Proceedings of the 2009 South East Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX) Conference, 2009
Page 1
Farmout Flyers

Papua New Guinea: PPL234 — Legoan and Lead 7

Staff of Oil Search Limited


The Legoan Lead Analogue is an isolate carbonate Previous HitbuildNext Hit-up offshore in the Kutei Basin, Kalimantan, Indonesia. The Kutei Basin has been dominated by clastic deposition during the Neogene; however, isolated carbonate buildups are also common. In general, isolated carbonates accumulated during trangressions when the locus of clastic deposition shifted landward. Carbonate buildups preferentially occurred on structural highs and margins of lowstand deltas. The Legoan Lead is a structural trap with basin-floor fan sands contained within a structural closure of Pleistocene age. The reservoir is expected to be formed by highly porous reef Previous HitbuildTop-up with porosity in the 12-22% range. The seal is a micritic mudstone. Lead 7 is also a structural trap with basin-floor fan sands contained within a structural closure. Reservoir was formed by basin floor sands being deposited in a deep-water setting with a porosity of 15-25%. The seal is provided by micritic mudstones.

Keywords: Pasca-A • Pandora • Uramu

Presented at: 2009 South East Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX) Conference, Singapore, 2009

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