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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)


Proceedings of the 2011 South East Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX) Conference, 2011
Pages 1-9

Perenco is.. A private, independent, international oil and gas E&P company

Previous HitDavidTop Tedrahn


Brandt Prospect (T/35P) and Wolseley Prospect (T/32P) in the Otway Basin off the southern coast of Australia both show large, faulted anticlines that are world class size structures. High amplitudes on seismic indicate gas/condensate and or oil. Seabed cores collected in February 2009 are being analyzed to confirm mature source and hydrocarbon phase. 3D seismic is being acquired over Wolseley Prospect and has already been acquired for Brandt Prospect. The mean resource potential for the prospects is 1,470 MMboe.

Keywords: Perenco • Mitsui • Heytesbury Gas Facility • Geographe • Thylacine

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