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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)
Moyes & Co Investment Opportunities
Moyer and Co has four investment opportunities. WA-405-P is on the NW margin of the Petrel sub-basin offshore NW Australia. Prospects have been mapped at the Jurassic and Permian levels and show a potential for trapped hydrocarbons. Falcon Permits in the Beetaloo Basin in NW Australia covers 28,000 km2. This basin has major unconventional and conventional resources with world class source rocks. Ramok Senabing TAC is onshore South Sumatra, Indonesia and includes both the Ramok Field and Senabing Field. Potential from shallow zones in the fields could exceed 6 MMBO and there is significant potential from undrilled deeper targets. The Hanoi Trough 02 PSC in the Song Hong Basin block, Vietnam is a Permian-Devonian carbonate buried hill and Miocene sandstone play.
Keywords: Malita Graben • Permian Kitchen • Shenandoah-1 • EP 76 • EP 98 • EP 99 • EP 117 • Ario Dama-1 • Batu Raja Formation • Talang Akar Formation • Ham Rong Field
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