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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)
Tribute to Dick Murphy
Dick was born in Missouri in 1929 and grew up in Washington DC with his parents & sister Patte. His adventurous streak was apparent from an early age as was his inquisitive nature. He joined the US Army as a young man serving with distinction in Korea and rising to the rank of Lieutenant. He enjoyed the R&R breaks when serving in Korea and showed a keen eye for beer and photography. The army funded his education at Wyoming University where he made many lifelong friends and had a lot of fun! Dick subsequently won a highly prestigious Fulbright scholarship which took him to Vienna, Innsbruck and Princeton Universities and he obtained a further Degree in European History. He joined Standard Oil (now known as Esso) in 1958 where his drive, intellect, skills and experience launched what was to be an incredible career as a geologist. He lived and worked in Singapore from 1967 to 1977 where he married his second wife Kate in 1969 and had two daughters Rachael and Sarah. Dick spent 25 years with Esso, in locations including Singapore, Texas, Manila, London, Niger, Nigeria, France, Texas, Austria, Switzerland, Germany and Argentina. He was one of Esso's (in)famous 'Rover Boys', the "geological SAS" of their day, who relished seeking oil in isolated and difficult locations. It was clear from his notes that he loved these adventures where he could enjoy the freedom and have fun with other Esso geologists who unlike their contempories clearly had a sense of humor! They generally roughed it going for weeks without supplies and his army sharp shooting skills learned in the US Army came in handy. Sometimes like in Sabah they could travel in style and other locations it was a bit more challenging but even then they clearly had lots of fun looking at rocks and finding rocks around the planet. They were driven by a love of geology, adventure and beer like every good geologist! He was President of the South East Asian Exploration Association (SEAPEX —which he co-founded in 1973) & the Geological Society of Malaysia. Dick eventually hung up his boots with Esso in 1983 and became an independent consulting geologist working around the world for oil companies, governments and the World Bank. He truly had the world in his hand. In 1985 he started running the Petroleum Geology of SE Asia course and since then he has taught over 70+ courses and 1100 students his last course being in London in 2010 but he still managed to find time for an equally lively and varied personal life. From trekking and mountaineering expeditions into the Himalayas (into his 60s) to climbing to the foothills of Everest, growing a beard plus running with the Hash House Harriers —the self-styled 'Drinkers with a Running Problem.' He competed in numerous marathons and rugby, which he played competitively into his 8th decade. He was an accomplished writer and poet, composing beautiful verse which celebrated the people and things he loved and confronted his darker thoughts and fears. Dick was a loving father to Rachael, Sarah & Troy, and grandfather to Ben, Katy, Evelyn, William, Brianna and Ryan. They are his most important legacy, and his spirit, personality and memory live on through them. They, his friends and neighbors and his beloved partner, Christine Oxborrow, brought him much happiness in his autumn years and comfort in his final illness. Dick was a unique and remarkable man from whom fountains of thoughts, actions and feelings left indelible marks the world. He was born during The Great Depression, saw many terrible and wonderful things during his life and reached old age with a kind, insightful, optimistic and liberal view of the world. He was unencumbered by need to conform to mindless norms or routines. He heard a different drummer and stepped to the music which he heard, however measured or far away.
Keywords: Jalan Mandalay • Bob Pile
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