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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)
SE Asia exploration, still going strong or heading for eclipse?
South East Asia is still going strong as an exploration province for independents. Majors and INOC's need success in unproven basins and or unconventional gas potential to be successful in South East Asia. South East Asia is still attractive to independents in particular due to careful government management of above ground factors. Governments can improve asset availability with regular licensing rounds and streamlining and making asset transaction approvals transparent. A partnership mindset between governments and licensee/contractor will help minimize political and fiscal risk. Creating a streamlined, flexible, coordinate, efficient and transparent regulatory regime will benefit licensee/contractor and governments.
Keywords: South East Asia is still going strong as an exploration province for independents. Majors and INOC's need success in unproven basins and or unconventional gas potential to be successful in South East Asia. South East Asia is still attractive to independ
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