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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)
Geology and Petroleum System of the Mannar Basin, Sri Lanka
The Mannar Basin, located of the western coast of Sri Lanka, contains a Jurassic-recent sedimentary section exceeding 7kms in thickness. It is a true frontier basin but contiguous with proven Cauvery Basin. Source rock potential in the Mannar Basin is in the Albian-Aptian sequence and has been proven in a well drilled in the northern part of the basin. Timing of the trap formation pre-dates that time of hydrocarbon migration from the Albian source for all modelled scenarios. Potential deep water reservoirs exist in the Cretaceous and Tertiary sequence. This basin has potential for multiple play types. Gas seepage features have been observed in the seismic and point to an active petroleum system in the basin.
Keywords: Mannar Basin Tectonic Setting • Pesalai-1 • PH-9-1 • Pearl-1
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