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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)
Investigating Sub-Basalt Plays through Integration of High-Resolution Geophysical Data
The project objective is to improve and constrain the understanding of the geohistory, tectonic and stratigraphic evolution of the West Coast of India. Investigating the exploration potential and development of new play concepts is key to project. Acquisition of regional geophysical data and integration with the current geological understanding is a 3 phase process with Phase I and II acquired in 2009 and Phase III in the planning stages. Seismic lines are regional and traverse from the shelf break to deepwater. Sub-basalt basins are evident on India deep focus seismic data. Reservoirs, seals and source rocks are likely to have been deposited in the developing graben and half-grabens. Basalts may acts as "duvet" blanketing the sub-basin. Source rocks may have reached maturity in many areas studies. Extensional, strike-slip and stratigraphic trapping mechanisms have been identified along with possible fluid escape structures on the seismic data.
Keywords: NELP VIII Blocks • NELP IX Blocks • IDF-010 • Plate Reconstruction • Synthetic Aperture Radar Image Analysis • COB • Bombay High Area • Laxmi Ridge • Panikkar Ridge • Chagos-Laccadive Ridge
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