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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)


Proceedings of the 2011 South East Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX) Conference, 2011
Pages 1-26

The Romance of NE Sabah's Shelf-SB303 Exploration Potential

Richard Jones, Pedro Restrepo-Pace, Craig Goulder, Yee Ah Chim, Carey Russell


The NE Sabah's shelf exploration potential is attractive due to all the adjacent productive blocks offshore Indonesia. There is a large acreage position (SB303) that has been established that is adjacent to a billion barrel oil trend. There is a volumetric up-side through pursuing new play types and trapping geometries. The area is under explored but has proven petroleum systems, Kindu Sub-basin and Siagut Sub-basin, in multiple play types including deltaic, turbidite and carbonate plays. The first 2 wells will target the Stage IVD deltaic and Stage IVE carbonate plays, both drilling DHI supported objectives with access to the proven Kindu Sub-basin kitchen area. Spud dates for the wells are scheduled for April/May 2011.

Keywords: Titik Terang • Barton • Tiga Papan • Bambazon • Saint Joseph • South Furious • Malawali Sub-bain • Marang 3D • Kudat 3D • Siagut 3D

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