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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)


Proceedings of the 2024 Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX) Conference, 2024
Page 53

Abstract: Depth Imaging Insights: Full Tensor Migration Maps Structural Complexity in Malaysia’s Geological Landscape

Colm Murphy1


Full Tensor Migration (FTM), developed by Bell Geospace, is a new methodology aimed at improving the interpretation of Full Tensor Gravity Gradiometry (FTG) data. FTM offers a swift and robust alternative to conventional frequency-based signal separation approaches. FTM excels in extracting meaningful depth interval anomaly maps, overcoming challenges like signal leakage, particularly from high-density shallow sources. This presentation showcases the practical application of the Full Tensor Migration workflow on segments of the Malaysian FTG dataset, demonstrating improvements in signal clarity and coherence. Practical examples include the analysis of depth sensitivity and the creation of lead generation maps.

Depth Sensitivity:

In Central Luconia, the depth sensitivity profile highlights prime sensitivity at depths ranging from 500m to 2,000m and again from 4,000m to 10,000m below ground. Tzz response maps for various depth intervals reveal valuable geological insights, such as basin structures, intersecting linear trends, and high-porosity carbonate build-ups. FTM serves as an initial step in mapping subsurface complexity, aiding in a confident interpretation of anomalies’ geological origins.

Lead Generation Maps:

FTM’s strength lies in its ability to separate depth-separated signals, making it ideal for Tensor Analysis. This capability facilitates the identification of dominant structures (from Txx, Txy & Tyy) and primary fault contacts (from Txz & Tyz), crucial for constructing Lead Generation maps. The presentation includes examples where Full Tensor Migration successfully separates signals, mapping high-density carbonate structures from underlying basin and structural controls, providing essential insights for geological exploration.

In conclusion, Full Tensor Migration emerges as a transformative technology for geological interpretation, particularly in the context of FTG data analysis in Malaysia. Through noise elimination, depth sensitivity mapping, and support in lead generation mapping, FTM holds significant potential to bring further insights into the subsurface geology assessment and exploration endeavors in the region.

Acknowledgments and Associated Footnotes

1 Colm Murphy: Bell Geospace, United Kingdom

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